Filtering Contentful Content by Publish Date

I had a not-so-unusual problem the other day while working on another Gatsby/Contentful blog. I needed a way to set a publish on date for posts, and then filter said posts such that content with a future publish date would not be compiled into the blog until said date.

In theory this should have been a very simple solution. However, while Contentful supports scheduled publishing, the source plugin gatsby-source-contentful does not recognize publish dates. In fact the Contentful API does not support this feature yet either, so the data wouldn't be available anyway.

Therefore to tackle the first problem, we need something that we can access in our GraphQL query. To do this we create a Publish Date field in Contentful for our Post content type. We can then set this field equal to the date we have scheduled for our post. Now when Contentful publishes our post, it can also trigger a webhook to Netlify to deploy our site with the newly published content. Plus we can now access this data in gatsby-node.js and sort by our publish date in descending order.


exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions
  const loadPosts = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          sort: { fields: [publishDate], order: DESC }
        ) {
          edges {
            node {
    `).then(result => {
      const posts =
      const postsPerFirstPage = config.postsPerHomePage
      const postsPerPage = config.postsPerPage
      const numPages = Math.ceil(
        posts.slice(postsPerFirstPage).length / postsPerPage
  return Promise.all([loadPosts])

The next part is a little bit trickier - filtering out posts scheduled in the future. You might be asking why we would need to filter out posts that haven't been published yet and therefore have not even triggered a deploy. In fact you might even say something like:

Why would we need to filter out posts that haven't been published yet, if they have not even triggered a deploy?

To wit I say, "what happens if you need to deploy another change in the meantime?" The new problem is that our source plugin gatsby-source-contentful doesn't check the publish status of our Contentful content, and will attempt to include this content during build. So if for example we need to update a few styles or add a new component, when we attempt to build and deploy these updates they will include these future posts. Therefore we still need to filter these out.

Fortunately we can use schema customization in Gatsby to achieve this functionality, as noted in this comment on GitHub. Just add the following to gatsby-node.js before our previous query:


exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions, schema, getNode }) => {
      name: 'ContentfulPost',
      interfaces: ['Node'],
      fields: {
        isFuture: {
          type: 'Boolean!',
          resolve: source => new Date(source.publishDate) > new Date(),

And then we can use our new schema to filter our previous query like so:


      filter: { isFuture: { eq: false } }
      sort: { fields: [publishDate], order: DESC }
    ) {
      edges {
        node {

Now any posts with a publishDate set in the future will not be included in our build.